This is a spin-off of the other Risk-like board game version from the App Store "Strategery"....It has a very nice look to the game. It is very easy to play. The cannon/gun feature is a nice touch. There really is only one map to play and that map can be divided into a game with 2 thru 5 players. The figting for each grid in the game play can also be changed to a "Flanking" mode where your neighboring allied spaces also join in the war combat. It has a good base for this type of game...Unfortunately, just like "Strategery", once one color gets a major control of the map, it is nearly impossible to comeback and win in any shape or form. That really is a downer in these types of games. A kind of update where one could challenge a space not necessarily connected to that space, (like a air raid attack or something) would be ideal. The idea of strethening up your front line forces, make it diffulcult to overcome some majority land conquests. If a player can somehow do a "sneak" atack from behind with a special long-distance gun or something, might give this game some life on a lot better replayability factor.
The game does play smooth and the Guns/Cannons are a nice feature, but 3 stars is the best that I can give it. All this being said, I do enjoy playing this game.
Ultra Marroon about Gun Wars